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Use this thread to say hello and introduce yourselves

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Hello all you magnificent, freedom loving people. I am Shawn Jason, creator of Druthers News & Information. I'm 51 years old. My 10 year long partner and I live in a big house in the countryside of Port Perry, Ontario with the core Druthers crew.

I became more consciously aware of the ways of the world in 2005 and my primary focus ever since has been to wake up more people and to do what I can to help stop this global, totalitarian takeover from happening and nudge humanity towards a more happy, peaceful, harmonious & bright future for all.

Just before the plandemic hit, I was working as a carpenter, an airbnb host & I also had a feel good hobby project called "I Love You Pass It On" which was all about inspiring people be more kind to one another. That all came to a grinding halt in early 2020 when the world shut down.

Soon into 2020 it became apparent that the 'takeover' game had changed. It was amped up many times over. I felt strongly drawn to do more to help. Lies from the corporate media giants and censorship from the big tech companies began running even more rampant than ever. It soon became clear that a newspaper would be the best way to deliver important, uncensored news and information to the people. So, I set out to make it happen.

- Druthers was born December 2020 and the first issue saw a run of just 25,000 copies.
- Fast forward over 3 years and we now print and distribute at least 250,000 copies every month.
- We have a total circulation of nearly 11 MILLION papers in about 3.5 years.
- Canadians have donated over $1,000,000 to Druthers since this project began.
- Every $10 we receive in donations causes 100 more papers to be printed and distributed.
- Our single biggest month saw 500,000 copies printed and freely given out across the country.
- We have many thousands of passionate readers, donors and volunteers who make this happen every month.

It's been a wild ride so far and I am loving this journey we call life.
Thank you for being along on this ride with me 🙂

That's a short bit about me.

What about you? Will you introduce yourself?
What has changed in your life since before the plandemic?
How long have you been 'awake'?
When & how did you come across your first copy of Druthers?


Thanks for being here.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Shawn and the Druthers crew!  Thank you for your hard hitting journalism and sharing of truth, freedom, and just common sense.  Kim and I have been distributing Druthers here in Regina for a few years now through my retail store Hemp Haven.  I first saw a copy of Druthers early on in the Covid policy days and it inspired me to do more for my community.  I started a PMA with another friend inside the mandates to connect like-minded, freedom loving people with one another.  We are not a fringe minority, but rather a powerful force of healthy, passionate individuals who have drawn a line in the sand.  Thank you for your inspiration 🙏

I would like to extend an invite to you and your crew as you travel across Canada and make your way to Regina, Saskatchewan!  It would be an opportunity to connect with some freedom minded folks in Regina and area for a fun, social evening.  Please let me know if you are interested in attending.  Safe travels and keep on spreading the truth, cheers!

Travis Treso

The Club / Hemp Haven

Regina, Sk



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  • 3 weeks later...

Jamie here pickup in Port Perry when ready for distribution, have over 40 stops from Maniila - Lindsay - Fenelon Falls - Coboconk - Norland - Minden - Haliburton - Carnarvon - Dorset - Whitney - Dwight - Huntsville - Utterson - Port Sydney - Bent River -  Rosseau  -  Minnet - Glen Orchid - Gravenhurst - Bracebridge - Van Koughnett  -  Warmington


and top ups were needed

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