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There are many different ways that just about anyone can get involved to help grow the reach and impact of Druthers.

Listed below are just some of the ways you may be able to pitch in. If you are interested, leave a reply on this thread with where you are and how you can help, or send a message to info@druthers.net.

There are 5 main areas that volunteers can easily jump into:

  1. Fundraising
  2. Distribution
  3. Content Creation
  4. Promotion
  5. Sales


Our monthly fundraiser is the primary ingredient that keeps the printing press kicking out Druthers newspapers each month.

We raise an average of $25k in donations monthly, allowing us to print an average of 250,000 copies each month. The more funds we raise, the more we can print.

Your help with raising funds could be of great benefit to Druthers and to Canadians in general. There are a few ways we see that happening:

  • Become a cash hub for your area

There are numerous people who do not wish to donate online but they will gladly pitch in with cash. We receive many emails each month about this. Would you be willing to accept cash donations from people in your area who message us and send it in on their behalf? Must be known and trusted in the community.

  • Get a Druthers donation box

These are great for people who are exposed to many people. You could place one of these boxes in your retail location. Or if you go to protests, rallies & other events where there are many Druthers lovers, you could carry this box with you and ask for donations.

  • Ask a few friends to pitch in monthly

If you know many freedom lovers, perhaps ask them to make a monthly commitment of even just $10/month. $10 is enough to print another whole bundle of 100 newspapers. You could collect it from them yourself and sent it over to us in one sum, or simply encourage your friends to use our fundraising page to make their donations. Your encouragement can be tremendously helpful. 

  • Organize local fundraising events

Some of you do this already and it’s a really great help! Dinner party fundraisers, hot dog days, raffles and contests, or bringing musicians together for fundraising music shows. There are many possibilities. What might you have in mind? If we have a couple dozen people doing this each month across Canada, it could make quite a big difference in the amount of awareness of Druthers and funds raised each month.


This is the next biggest ingredient in the success of Druthers. People powered distribution. That’s how the majority of papers are given out each month. 1000’s of passionate readers give them out in their own local communities every month.

There are a few options on how to help increase distribution of Druthers into every nook and cranny of this country.

  • Get a postal subscription

You can opt to have your papers delivered right to your door each month through the mail. The papers are free. All we ask is the shipping and handling fee. You can have between 3 papers and 800 papers sent through the mail automatically each month. How many do you think you can give away monthly? druthers.ca/subscribe

  • Pick up papers from your local hub

If you live near one of our many hubs across the country, you are invited to pick up bundles for free and give those papers in your own area however you see fit. To get connected with your local hub, contact us at info@druthers.net

  • Order Neighbourhood Mail delivery

This is a super powerful way to plant seeds of thought into an entire community and get them all talking at once. With our neighbourhood mail service, you can have Druthers stuffed into mailboxes via Canada Post in whichever Canadian community you choose. Would you choose your own area? Or perhaps the area of a loved one who won’t hear what you have to say? This method does have a cost, but if you’re able, please consider this highly effective option. druthers.ca/neighbourhood


There are a few main ways to create content that can be helpful to Druthers. From writing articles, making graphics and producing videos, to doing field reports & interviews. We’ve not been very strong in the video department yet and it’s time to change that.

  • Write articles

There are certainly no shortage of eye-opening things to write about that could be published in the newspaper or on the website. If you have a way with words and value being able to help people see things they previously couldn’t, please use those skills and write articles for consideration in Druthers.

  • Produce videos

This is a big realm with many creative avenues. From short videos & reels and full length presentations, to doing live streams to our social sites or interviewing people, there are a multitude of ways to reach people using video. If you love shooting and/or editing video, please let us know. It’s time to up our video content game, big time, and we could use some good help.

  • Design graphics

This is another area with many possible ways to help out. If you have a strong eye for aesthetics and would like to apply your skills to helping Druthers in this way, please let us know. We could use help with tshirt & other merch designs, promotional banners & graphics, video thumbnails & more.


Getting Druthers into the attention of more people is the only way this project grows, and there are many ways that just about anyone can help with that. If you love Druthers and wish to see it continue to grow and succeed, check out some of the options below and do the ones that suit you best.

  • Join our social sharing army

When we produce new content we let our social sharing army know so they can help spread that content around more quickly. You can choose to simply share the content links on your profiles from our platforms, or you can download the content directly from our website to your phone or computer and then upload the material right to your own socials. Doing this is generally much more effective than sharing links from social pages. If you’d like to be a part of this, please let us know.

  • Word of mouth

One of the easiest and most effective ways to promote Druthers is to simply talk about it with the people you know. What do you love & appreciate about Druthers? Tell people about that. Never underestimate the power and weight that your words and recommendations have in the world around you.

  • Stickers & business cards

Another super easy way to raise awareness of Druthers is to order Druthers stickers and stick them in highly visible locations wherever you go. (Please be respectful in where you choose to place stickers) Additionally, we are soon releasing a series of red pill business cards which will make it super cheap and easy to sprinkle seeds of thought and bring more attention to Druthers simply by giving out these cards or even just leaving a couple behind everywhere you go.


We know sales isn’t for everyone. Many people detest direct sales, but for those who really enjoy direct sales and love standing up for freedom at the same time, this opportunity may be right up your alley.

We can offer a commission on any sales you make for Druthers. From tshirts and other merchandise (both retail & wholesale), to monthly postal subscriptions, advertising space in the paper and neighbourhood mail service, if you can find supporters, you can make some money.

Let us know if this is of interest to you.


Above are just a handful of ways that you may be able to help out. There are many other ways too. Browse the list below then reach out if you’d like to help.

Or if you have other ideas on how to help that aren’t listed on this page, please let us know what you’re thinking. info@druthers.net

  • Project & people managers

Myself and the small core crew have a lot on our plates already. Many initiatives are in the wings waiting to go, but more high level thinkers/doers/managers are required before we can move forward with some of these ideas. If you thrive on organizing projects & people and you are good at it, we’d really love to hear from you.

  • Research & investigations

Got a knack for digging up information and getting to the bottom of things? We have a new area on this forums website where we are building a research and investigations team. If this strikes your fancy and you’d like to help, please reach out. It’s basically about being honest fact checkers. What a novel idea, eh?

  • News gathering team

Do you browse news and information every day already? Mainstream news, independent news, trending videos and more, we now have an area for sharing and discussing uncensored news and information that is relevant to the freedom movement here in Canada. Would you be willing to share the best material you find each day to help get this new area started? Hit us up.

  • Social media management

We’re looking for a handful of people who are well known and trusted in the movement to help manage our social media pages. This would involve taking the content our creators make and uploading the material to Druthers social pages. It would also involve removing spam comments and responding to other commenters. Is this something you are already well versed at on any of the social platforms? Let’s chat.


Managing these forums may quickly become a large task once we really start promoting them. Keeping spammers out, answering questions, and just generally nurturing productive discussions in a peaceful environment is important for the usefulness & longevity of this tool. If you feel you can help with moderating these forms, please let us know. Please note, for these tasks, we are looking for people we already know and trust to be on a similar wavelength as the rest of the crew.


We are planning a cross country tour to meet and hug as many Druthers lovers across the land as possible. The intention is to start June 1st on the east coast and spend up to 3 months crossing Canada, visiting Druthers hubs everywhere.

See more here: 

We could use a small logistics team to help organize the tour. This will likely be a rapidly changing, fast paced, busy task of talking to possible landing spots across Canada and just generally helping ensure everything flows smoothly and beautifully for the crew, hosts and guests. This is a way for a few people to get involved who aren’t able to physically come along as it will be mostly a lot of research, emails and phone calls which can all be done from the comfort of one’s home. 

If you can see yourself spending the next 4 months or so helping out this project, please let us know.


I’d like to be raw and real with you, on a personal level.

I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m not an expert with any of this. I just see things a little differently than most, I dream big, believe anything is possible and I’m really good at winging it… and attracting amazing people who are passionate about making a difference. I am in awe, as I don’t even really know how we’ve managed to accomplish all that we have in such a short time. I’m not particularly good at managing or ‘leading’ people. I don’t even care to be seen as a leader. I’m more of a catalyst for change and a space holder for change makers. That is what I feel my main strengths are.

I’m saying this to try to portray that I don’t have all this figured out and that I could really use more high-level thinkers/doers/managers to help grow this into Canada’s next mainstream media. The HONEST & CARING kind of mainstream media.

We don’t have the funds yet to properly pay for good help, but some positions do include some monetary gratitude exchange AND those who do jump in and help grow this out of passion are the ones I most wish to create paid positions for.

Druthers is a project of passion. Without so many Canadians eagerly sharing their time, money, energy and resources with us, the reach and impact of Druthers would be minimal. Instead, we have raised over 1 MILLION dollars in donations which has allowed us to print and distribute over 10 MILLION newspapers all over Canada through a grassroots network of 20,000 people or more. Astounding! We are making a difference and it’s because of many.

The people have the power. Truly. And we’re finally waking up to that 🙂

Please comment below with where you live and how you would like to help out.

Thank you for being here. And thank you for standing up for the people. You are all rockstars in my books!!

Much love.


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28 minutes ago, Wolfsbane said:

I live in Stouffville. What about dog related bandanas or patches that can attach to garnesses with velcro. Me and my dog could sell those to raise money. Nobody has dog freedom merch.

Yesss! We’ve had many requests for doggie merch. Might you like to source out some good bulk buys for items you and Roxy would like? We can buy the items and add prints to them here. Just need the items 🙂

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I'd like to help with graphic design.  For reference, Christie has seen some of my recent work outside of Druthers if you wanna check with her on that.

I'm not bad at producing video and very good with streaming software and practices.  Exactly one year ago I was trying to get people from Queen's Park to help me read Druthers over a microphone and do video interviews about the stories with people on the street, but I kept getting the runaround from would-be helpers.
There's a new protest with a more well-adjusted, rational attendance, I'll try something there.

I can help with the stream, too.  When I get going Alex-Jones-style, people love it (the fire department once joined our protest while I kept going off for half an hour) and I can still maintain decorum where necessary.

I'd help with social media if I actually had experience there.  If nobody with experience comes forward, you can fall back on me (the experience would be useful tbh.)
As far as moderating forums goes, I wouldn't mind having the power to help when I see a problem.

I already try to send people your way (https://rumble.com/v4ey99x-redpilling-canadians-you-can-help.html) but I had no idea you did wholesale, I'll remember that and see what I can do!

(Do you think you could make the business cards customizable at all?)

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hey my friend contact me here in the North  and I will join in on everything that I can ..... I got lots of time!!!!!!!!!!!  ILYPIO  And lots of space to camp in my yard on your tour.....just follow highway 11   Cant wait to connect 


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On 4/22/2024 at 10:51 AM, marnie said:

hey my friend contact me here in the North  and I will join in on everything that I can ..... I got lots of time!!!!!!!!!!!  ILYPIO  And lots of space to camp in my yard on your tour.....just follow highway 11   Cant wait to connect 


Sweeet 🙂 I’d love to explore ways to get to get you more involved! I’ll message you, thanks.

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On 4/21/2024 at 6:35 PM, Adam L said:

I'd like to help with graphic design.  For reference, Christie has seen some of my recent work outside of Druthers if you wanna check with her on that.

I'm not bad at producing video and very good with streaming software and practices.  Exactly one year ago I was trying to get people from Queen's Park to help me read Druthers over a microphone and do video interviews about the stories with people on the street, but I kept getting the runaround from would-be helpers.
There's a new protest with a more well-adjusted, rational attendance, I'll try something there.

I can help with the stream, too.  When I get going Alex-Jones-style, people love it (the fire department once joined our protest while I kept going off for half an hour) and I can still maintain decorum where necessary.

I'd help with social media if I actually had experience there.  If nobody with experience comes forward, you can fall back on me (the experience would be useful tbh.)
As far as moderating forums goes, I wouldn't mind having the power to help when I see a problem.

I already try to send people your way (https://rumble.com/v4ey99x-redpilling-canadians-you-can-help.html) but I had no idea you did wholesale, I'll remember that and see what I can do!

(Do you think you could make the business cards customizable at all?)

Wow Adam, you did a super job with that little promo video you made! Sweet 🙂 I’d like to upload it to our socials, presuming that’s ok with you.

I’d love to talk more with you about more of that! We really could use good help in the video production / editing department.

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On 4/22/2024 at 10:51 AM, marnie said:

hey my friend contact me here in the North  and I will join in on everything that I can ..... I got lots of time!!!!!!!!!!!  ILYPIO  And lots of space to camp in my yard on your tour.....just follow highway 11   Cant wait to connect 


Marnie 🙂 I’d really love to talk more with you and get you more involved. Thank you.

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14 hours ago, Shawn Jason said:

Wow Adam, you did a super job with that little promo video you made! Sweet 🙂 I’d like to upload it to our socials, presuming that’s ok with you.


Oh, please do.  I'd be glad to do more video stuff, but there are still a lot of editing tricks I have to learn.  That being said, I've done better work than that.  We'll see.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would like to offer some spiritual advice to Druthers. It seems most organizations seem to neglect the most important issue of the Living Word, Bible, that has all the answers and truth from a Hebrew perspective. If this organization is interested in an opinion from a spiritual perspective, I would be glad to advise or explain things as a servant of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in order to help people understand the things taking in place in the world today are related to a "Spiritual Warfare" perspective. If people understand what we have been warned about and is now happening slowly, they would realize much of this is spiritual, but affecting the secular world because of its spiritual origin. I am talking about a biblical perspective, not a religious perspective. The Word of Yahveh and Yeshua affects everything, what we are seeing take place is simply the manifestation of things we were all told would take place, many many years ago.  Jerry     seeker@xplornet.com 

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we should/could chat. honestly there could be no one with more experience having run a similar paper in the same country for over a decade. seems to me I could help with all of those challenges. alas, can't do it 'for free' but happy to see what's possible for us. cheers Lorenzo


Feel free to send me an email and we can hop on a zoom to chat. I have so many contact, tons of potential content, and more besides.  Lorenzo

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Hi Shawn:


I am Charlaine, a fired but now retired healthcare worker with a little bit of journalism background. I have been distributing your newspaper in the city of Port Alberni for about three years now. I know of every commercial outlet who will or will not display your newspapers. Of late, my 10 bundles disappear in this small city of 17,000 residents.


I do not fund your organization as I am barely making ends meet on the welfare pension but the means I have to help is to distribute your news and that I have. I am now referred to the Druthers Girl or the Newspaper Girl. I have started working with a Vancouver Island awake newspaper from Duncan, a three-hour drive from my home however, that I am hoping will reach out to more of Vancouver Island's citizens.


I have written a news story which I hope I can attach here. I know it is long but I cannot seem to edit it any further. I have an idea on another short story but I just cannot start it yet and it is already May 26.


I hope you make your way to Vancouver Island on your cross Canada trip and I know Port Alberni will welcome you. We have accommodations if needed I am certain. Thank you for all that you and your staff have done. 


Sincerely, Charlaine

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